
Exam Socks

Yes they're fuzzy. Yes they look as though they belong on a ten year old girl not one who is currently in a post-graduate program. But don't you have something lucky that you use or used on a test or exam day? Now I'm not really implying that my socks are lucky rather they are just comforting and a tradition started in my first year at UofT. They are unattractive and fluffy and amazingly comfy and warm and perfect for those winter exams when it's frigid outside. Now I know it was like plus 3 today but it's a habit and one I enjoy. They also remind me of my mother who upon discovering the fuzzy socks oh so many years ago bought them for my sister and I. I still have all of mine and perhaps some that aren't mine but worked their way into my laundry... like the blue/green ones featured above.  

I'm off to see Shame since it's cheap movie night, I'll let you know the review tomorrow. 

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