
Abood purchased me a website domain for a year so my blog shall be switching over once it is set up. Sorry for the lack of up dates, life is busy. Oh yea and I'm broke.


Today I bought pants, something I haven't done for years. I'm not exaggerating in that statement. The pants I wear to my internship are from my sister and my mother.  The jeans I wear are from first year university or once again my sister's cast offs. And now I tell you a dark secret. I'm a lover of leggings. I am not quite certain what size I would like to be in the future and as such tights allow me to be however and I made the decision not to purchase pants until I knew. And now you must be really confused why there is a picture of Tilda Swinton and I'm talking about pants, ok let me move on. I also saw We Need to Talk About Kevin this evening besides purchasing two pairs of pants from the Gap for $34. Man that is a thought provoking movie, I may have read some reviews and plot summaries prior because I have been doing that lately, but none the less it was quite good. And I still dislike John C. Reilly even though he also does an acceptable job, but Tilda steals it, along with the Kevin's at various ages.



Weighing my love of sweet things against my desire to be healthy/fit. Either way I'm baking tonight.
I may also have like five pieces of Juicy Fruit gum in my mouth right now.


A little Fiona Apple.
Paper Bag

Reflecting on the people I've been.


I ascribe to the theory that things don't become easier to bare over time, rather, they just become more distant. 


So I pushed myself out of my baking funk via macaroons. I did the usual substitutions such as grinding almonds into almond flour rather than purchasing it, and turning my normal white sugar into superfine sugar. Oh and leaving out the cream of tartar altogether. Though in regards to the almonds I did blanch them myself which I must say was rather time consuming but alls well that ends well.  Now I must not eat them all before Abed comes home. Also I shall never follow a recipe completely again.


So let the photo deceive you, I failed at making churros. Outside cooked, inside not. Deep frying isn't my friend as we never did such unhealthy things in my household/the recipe was crap and I followed it exactly. This isn't a good baking spree I'm on. I'm kind of bummed.


The Descendants Review
Today Abed and I went out for a movie date as tomorrow I don't have to get up early meaning I can attend the now late for me 9:45 showing. As you can clearly see above we saw The Descendants. It was a good movie. There was quality acting from all parties, young and old. It was quite sad. Made bearable by the older daughters friend who adds the majority of the light hearted elements. It made me quite aware that my movie taste is shifting, I'm wanting to steer further from those hyper realistic movies about everyday occurrences that trouble me, such as death. In addition those movies focusing on the darkness of humanity with no fantasy element such as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. But clearly I haven't actually been following such ideas since I saw both of these movies. Man I don't know where to go with this review, well the movie is about a family and their struggle with their mother who is in a coma from a motor boat accident and surrounding events and histories. If I tell you any more I sort of take something away from your potential viewing. So go watch, then we can discuss. 


Two things: 
One, I miss my cat beyond belief.
Two, I fucking hate cilantro.  


One of my all time favorite candies is out early... Yes delicious Robins Eggs, which usually don't arrive until post Valentines. Indeed they may just be candy coated Whoppers but they are so much more than that, trust me. ps. not my image. I couldn't very well stop to take a picture while I was devouring the entire bag. 


Cake Fail. Sunken and undercooked. I'm still tired and my weekend is over.


Opposite of photoshop. Mamiya 645. Medium format film. Taken from my sleep series. Unedited, hence the dust.
I forgot how much I love photoshop. 
Yes you are witnessing the birth of my photoshopping abilities, not so pretty yes I am aware but hey got to start somewhere.


Banana Bread + Toblerone = Love (aka deliciousness) 


Cake Pops

 So I know I've been bad you don't have to mention it. But look cake pops! Ok I know they are not on a stick or dipped in some form of icing or chocolate but they are on their way.

 Basically I got this cold a few days ago and it felt the need to peak on my weekend which I now am forced to savor as I am working 9 to 5. Without getting paid. Yes I'm still bitter. So I've been bumming around all day whining and what not when Abed forced me or rather us to do something which turned into baking. I got this awesome cake pop maker from my lovely sister and haven't had a chance to use it until now. We made banana cake pops as we had a bunch of bananas going rather over ripe. The whole experience was rather positive. Yes some are a bit dark, as a note the bottoms are supposed to be darker and I will contribute the rest to the banana nature of the cake or bread or whatever merger of the two it is. Recipe here .

 As a note I much prefer these cake pops to the ones you have to crumble a cake add icing and form into a ball. That isn't to say that I don't love an excuse to add icing to things but this just feels better to me. I'll update you with decorations tomorrow friends.


So Abed and I have a tradition of wishing each other happy day before and after anniversary. It's cute and we do it monthly, did I mention it's also a competition. So Friday is nearing, yes our anniversary falls on Friday the 13th this month. It's still lucky so that doesn't matter, but I have to be on my game to try and get all three happy anniversaries in before Abood.


I know I've been bad. Missed a day and left you with a crappy one liner. But I'm trying my best here. So work was good, slow first day but not bad. Today picked up a bit, started getting more work on my plate, getting to know my supervisor pretty well. All in all I'm glad at where I am and where the position is going. Beyond work I've been so unbelievably happy to have Abed back and have been spending all of my time with him. We got out on Sunday to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

 I can't say I enjoyed it, but it was interesting and intriguing. I unlike most have not read the book, I was told it was rather dark and sadistic which I can manage say in the form of a movie which is a brief period of time but reading it and creating it in my mind is much different. Some parts left me feeling a little bit sick, alright one part in particular but performances were ballin'. Fell in love with Elizabeth Salander (Mara Rooney) instantly, loved her character and look and I'm feeling a Halloween costume coming on. I don't know if I would recommend it, it would depend on the person as I don't suspect everyone will enjoy it but hey I could be wrong. I also would say I'll never watch it again or at least some parts, I don't know my mind is muddled up on the matter. It also makes me miss short hair, shhh don't tell Abed.


Internship starts tomorrow morning, will let you know how that goes. Wish me luck. 


So there is something you don't know about me, I have a deep love of Project Runway and have watched every single episode out there... This includes the premier of Project Runway All Stars, which broke my heart. Let me explain: over the seasons (of the American Project Runway) I've grown to love various designers but above all I've grown extraordinarily fond of Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, both who have been replaced in this new season. Without them the show lacks a certain spark, and I'm left with this feeling of vague investment from the new host (Angela Lindvall)  that feels rather fake and stiff. In all likelihood this won't stop me from watching the season off and on but it definitely diminishes my enjoyment of the show. 


Simple Advice is often the best, and sometimes randomly comes from the internet. 


The End

So the end of my vacation is virtually upon me. Tomorrow will be spent prepping for the return to Toronto, cleaning, packing, washing clothes, grocery shopping etc. Then Saturday I will be picking up Abed from the airport and heading home. Having realized this I've decided I need to squish some more fun in, or more specifically some more activities that I have been neglecting. These include some fun photo shoots, Harvest Moon playing (N64) and finishing my last book. Ah yes in addition I widened the column width so I could post larger photo sizes without awkward overlap.


It's a bit disheartening to realize that at some point playing and learning become two very different things. I hope to one day marry the two back together.


Hang Times

So today was primarily spent with the Rosalyn and Jenny. We did some shopping, some baking, some general hanging out. It was nice and relaxing. Picked up two tops for myself which would be perfect for work starting next week. Jenny found some shirts and a pair of pants. It was a good day all in all.  

Even if we may have mistook cloves for cinnamon, no big deal. 


Man I just have nothing to say. Alright that's a lie, but I'm not willing to commit to a good post right now. I'm a bit worn out from my day with Jenny and Rosalyn which has been wonderful but tiring. I'm also missing Abed more than usual even though his return draws ever nearer... I charged my phone today after it has been dead for about five days. I haven't even gotten back to the many missed text messages. In addition I feel a bit guilty visiting Jenny and leaving my mum and dads. I've also omitted my return to candy, it happened many days ago but I didn't share. I had been eating it rather consistently but hadn't gone crazy but this week I feel like I'm losing control. So here is a random photo, I'm sorry.


Music on my mind.

Presumably like most people good music sticks with me, links itself to a memory or time that was of some importance or value. There are countless songs which do this; ones which I remember and more which I forget. I've decided to include some here today, with links so you may enjoy them if you so choose.

There are many more but these were the first that came to mind, as a result they are also the newest.