

Today Toronto saw it's first snow fall this season! Rather late as it's the last day of November, but I can't complain as this fall has been beyond beautiful both weather wise and visually. So I'm taking this opportunity to share some photos I took on a fall hike about a month ago. Enjoy the rest after the jump.


Peanut Butter Ritz White Chocolate Fudge

Now I admitted to my candy addiction in my first post but I may have omitted something very critical in this piece of information. Like any proper addict I go on and off the candy wagon. I can last up to a few months sans candy but only when I go cold turkey. There is no a little bit here and there for good measure rather it's all candy all the time or none at all.

Despite this fact I am currently housing a respectable amount of candy in my cupboard, curiously its located by the plates so I see it tauntingly multiple times a day. I've purchased the stash since my break from candy, it's an oddly comforting habit. In addition it will be a perfect days supply for once I'm back on candy which I'm predicting to be mid December. To put my addiction in perspective for you, in my candy cupboard I have a large box of Milk Duds, a large bag of Starbursts, Hershey's Cookies and Cream Drops and Whoppers. And yes, this will be consumed in one day if not one evening. You should be afraid or impressed.

Now even without candy I still work a reasonable amount of sugar into my diet and this is generally accomplished via baked goods of various kinds. In a spirit similar to this I decided to make fudge tonight. Now you may argue that this would fall under the candy title, but for some reason fudge, cookies, cakes, icecream, crepes are perfectly acceptable and delightful alternatives. But that is not to say that they take the place of candy as they certainly do not. But back to the main reason of the post, Fudge!

This fudge is extraordinarily simple, rather sweet and quite delicious. The recipe can be found at Cookies and Cups. It is generally a 3 ingredient recipe but due to unforeseen circumstances or rather my grocery store not carrying one of the items it turned into a 4 ingredient recipe. Hardly anything to complain about it's true. So I figured I might as well share the delicious and simple joy! If you are having a mean sweet craving these are for you, but I warn you they are aren't for the savory of heart.


Welcome to Strange and Beautiful Times.

I'm finally committing myself to a proper full time blog. You can expect photos, and lots of them. Art, baked goods, thoughts, ideas, craftiness, and some musing and ramblings to accompany everything. Though I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself, to start off my name is Rachel Fender. Yes that is my real name and no I have no relation to the infamous guitar brand. I'm poor at explaining myself so instead of trying I will offer you a few truths about myself that I have learned over the years.

1. My favorite movies from age 0-2 were Terminator 2 and E.T.
2. I only eat sandwiches cut on a diagonal.
3. Men with mustaches and I tend to get along well.
4. I require a different bookmark for every book I read.
5. For as long as I can remember I've been addicted to candy.
6. My favorite candies of all time are Reeces Pieces, Caramels and Robins Eggs.

Oh yes, nearly forgot. C'est Moi!